Step 1

Read the Philippine Government Internet Domain Names Policy for guidance on who qualifies for a delegation domain name. If you are qualified, in the Search Menue, type in the Domain name field the domain name you wish to register for your organization. Then click on the Search button.

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How to Register


Step 2

Proceed with the online registration form. Please click the "proceed to register" button located at the bottom of the Philippine Government Internet Domain Names Policy page. Please make sure that you have thoroughly read and understood the provisions provided in the policy.

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Step 3

Upon submission of the registration form, the contact persons (Administrative and Technical Contacts Persons) of the requesting agency will be notified via email stating that the request had been submitted to the administrator.

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Step 4

The requesting agency is required to submit by fax, written in the agency's letterhead, an official letter stating that you are given permission to register the particular domain name for that agency, duly signed by any of the following: Agency Head; Chief Information Officer, or MIS Head. The request will remain in a "PENDING" status and will NOT be processed until this letter is submitted.

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Step 5

You are given one (1) week to comply with said requirement. Otherwise, your request will be "DELETED" without prior notice from the administrator. Please make sure the nameservers for your domain are properly set up and configured to act as nameservers for your domain upon registration to avoid disapproval of your application.

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Step 6

Once we have received the required letter and have verified that the name servers for your domain are properly configured, we will upload your domain records. A notification will then be emailed to the contact persons for the requesting agency on the approval of your registration.

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